Presentation about presentations

Today I presented to our DPhil seminar about creating and delivering compelling presentations. In our discussion, we particularly focused on audience need, presenter goals, and developing a clear, coherent story.

For more information, I recommend Nancy Duarte’s slide:ology and Garr Reynold’s Presentation Zen.

4 thoughts on “Presentation about presentations

  1. Thanks a lot for the talk and the slides. Another book about the topic I found quite interesting is Tufte, Edward R. 2006. The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint: Pitching Out Corrupts Within. Cheshire, Conn: Graphics Press.

  2. Nice to see an effort in changing academic presentation styles:


    1. Why use bullet points represented as drawing pins on a blackboard theme? Incongruity?

    2.You missed the most important mistake academics make… You construct and write a paper for publication and construct and deliver a presentation (using the same core material) to a live breathing audience. They are not the same. While the core material maybe the same the constraints on each audience are different…
    Academics make the same repeated mistake of dumping their paper publications onto slides, adding bullet points, denuding content, and then fail to engage with their speech delivery, which slides can barely overcome….

    SO, thank you for putting the topic and slide samples out there… and for citing Garr’s work…

    May I suggest readers consult my blog where there are several entries also looking at presenting skills for those in the sciences

    Les Posen
    Presentation Magic

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